For wives who choose to stay, but are struggling with what to do.

(Previously named "Help! He's Having an Affair!")

Are you struggling with your decision to stay after discovering his affair? Do you feel lost and need direction on what to do next? Do you need guidance on how to talk to your husband?

Gain clarity and confidence with our 14-day mini-course, designed to guide you through the decision-making process with courage. This crisis intervention mini-course is here to support you during the initial stages after discovering his betrayal.

This course is for you:

  • If you are at a crossroads or feel overwhelmed deciding to stay or go.

  • If you feel blocked by fear, uncertainty, or social expectations.

  • You need a practical framework on how to communicate with your husband.

  • If you and your husband are constantly fighting.

  • If your husband acts like two different people from one day to the next.

  • You're ready to do the healing work to restore your marriage.

Mini-course includes:

  • Section One: Do I Stay or Do I Go?

    • Day 1: Shattered, but Not Broken

    • Day 2: Don’t Blow Up Your Life

    • Day 3: How Could He Do This to Me?

    • Day 4: Your Reason For Staying is Valid

    • Day 5: Don’t Let Others Decide for You

  • Section Two: What Happened to the Man I Married?

    • Day 6: The Fantasy Fog

    • Day 7: Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

    • Day 8: Rewriting History

    • Day 9: Dealing with the Lies

  • Section Three: What Do I Do Now?

    • Day 10: Leave Him Alone

    • Day 11: How to Talk About It

    • Day 12: How to Set Healthy Boundaries

    • Day 13: She’s Not Your Competition

    • Day 14: Don’t Abandon Yourself

Hi, I'm Charity. This is my husband, Matt.

Eleven years ago, our marriage almost didn't survive his affair. It looked like it was over for us, but as dark and hopeless as it seemed, I made up my mind to stay and fight for our marriage, to fight for us.

I'm so glad I did.

For over a decade, I've dedicated my life to supporting women as they fight to save their marriages after the devastation of infidelity. I have completed over 10,000 hours of learning and coaching, including becoming an NLP and CBT-certified coach. This is a woman's most challenging work, but it is worth every broken mile.

What you'll receive:

  • Three engaging instructional videos: deep dive into the curriculum with these comprehensive guides.

  • One guided meditation: Center your mind and calm your body so you can navigate each day with purpose.

  • Daily encouraging text messages from me: Receive a text message each day to keep you grounded.

  • Digital journal and journal prompts: Download a companion journal with daily thoughtful lessons and journal prompts for introspection and processing.

  • Access anytime, anywhere: You'll receive lifetime access of the lessons through our designated platform.



My life's work is empowering thousands of women on their courageous journey toward healing their marriages after being shattered by infidelity.

My approach centers on fostering resilience, self-discovery, and emotional healing. Guided by spiritual principles, I'm honored to have witnessed remarkable transformations in the lives of those I've coached.

Alongside me on this journey is Matt. I call him my silent partner because he doesn't talk publicly about our story, but he's my biggest cheerleader in helping couples heal.

Why choose this course:

I believe a marriage can not only survive but thrive after infidelity. Too often, the pain of the trauma keeps couples from being able to find their way back to each other. If you're grappling with the deep emotional wounds caused by discovering your partner's affair, this course offers a lifeline of support. Through a compassionate and insightful approach, you'll find guidance on navigating the difficult decision of whether to stay or leave your relationship.

Let this course be your crisis intervention. It will help you avoid making impulsive decisions that you'll later regret or that will cause more wounds than you already have. Instead, you'll finish this course with greater awareness and clarity of mind.


Are the lessons live?

All videos are pre-recorded. There aren't any live sessions with Charity for this program. Charity does offer 1:1 coaching services for women needing extra healing support.

How long can I access the course?

Upon enrollment, you'll enjoy the benefit of lifetime access to the course content.